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Publication Date: 04 February 2021
Salvatore Calogero, Lisa Delahaye, Cara Gunning, Terence Hetzel, Tessa McDonald, Coral Munday, Michele Protti, Mathias Salger, Laura Schlicksupp, Bas Sleumer, Connor Walker, Adam Williams, Robin Wordenweber & Philip Timmerman
This manuscript reflects conclusions from these discussions. They can provide our community a compass for future business practices to embrace more sustainable laboratory activities considerate of smarter use of a wide array of resources and laboratory tools, resulting in increased wellbeing for our next generations and our planet.
Publication Date: 05 January 2021
Tessa McDonald
This biomarker method development and validation was conducted in accordance with The FDA Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance for Industry 2018
Publication Date: 12 September 2019
Michele Protti, Toon Babylon , Lisa Delahaye, Jorg Faber, Christopher Fox, Farjana Mahammed, Laura Mercolini, Tessa McDonald, Mathias Salger, Alexandra Vantcheva & Philip Timmerman
This manuscript summarizes the discussions at the Fifth EBF Young Scientist Symposium, held in Bologna (Italy) between 20 and 21 March 2019.
Publication Date: 20 November 2013
Jill Segelbacher, Julian Haynes and Angus Nedderman
Poster Presentation at EBF Open Symposium, Barcelona
Publication Date: 20 November 2013
Andrea Watson, Anna-Karin Wendel, Carina Holmqvist, Anna Sterup & Magnus Knutsson
Joint Poster Presentation with Ferring Pharmaceuticals at EBF Open Symposium, Barcelona
Publication Date: 03 June 2013
Michelle Gleave, Angus Nedderman, Mark Savage and Julian Haynes
Poster Presentation at DMDG Extrahepatic Metabolism Meeting, Dundee
Publication Date: 16 May 2013
Mohammed Abrar, John Allanson, Hayley Hawthorne and Kevin Holmes
Poster Presentation at Joint JPAG/DMDG Symposium: New approaches in bioanalysis and analytical technologies, London
Publication Date: 16 May 2013
Jill Segelbacher, Julian Haynes and Angus Nedderman
Poster Presentation: DMDG/JPAG symposium: new approaches in bioanalysis and analytical technologies, London
Publication Date: 21 May 2012
Milan Patel, Kevin Holmes and Mohammed Abrar
Poster Presentation, 60th ASMS Annual Conference
Publication Date: 21 May 2012
Angus Nedderman, Mark Savage, Michelle Gleave and Julian Haynes
Poster Presentation, 60th ASMS Annual Conference